Wednesday 25 September 2013

Question settings

Zoutch ! provides different settings that can be set up to your questions. When editing a question, you can easily access these settings by clicking the "setting" button at the bottom left of a question box.

A simple click on this button will do the trick !

Possible question settings:

  • Email notification
This setting is useful is you would like to receive specific email notification whenever one of your contact participates to this question.
  • Anonymous voting
If you select this option, Zoutch! will not ask your contacts for their name. They will only have to click "Ok, Zoutch" to participate. You will then see that "Anonymous" zoutched.
  • Show zoutchers to your contacts
You may not want your contacts to see who did what on such or such question. This setting allows you to hide the "zoutchers" columns. Note that the administrator of the zoutch still sees what zoutchers answered.
  • Show results to your contacts
You may not want your contacts to see the results of such or such question. This setting will hide the results to your contacts. Note that the administrator of the zoutch still sees the results.
  • Show comments to your contacts
You may not want your contacts to post comments on such or such question. To do so, simply uncheck this option.
  • Limited number of choices
When editing a poll question you may want to limitate number of choices. To do so, simply set up how many choices are allowed.
  • When should the system consider this Zoutch as closed (never closed if empty) ?
When editing a poll question you may want Zoutch! to automatically close the question at a specific date. To do so, set a date and Zoutch will show a green tick on the side, meaning that this question is closed.

Possible question settings

Monday 15 July 2013

Scheduling a meeting

With Zoutch! you can easily schedule a meeting.

Here is how you can perform this easily.

First click on the Create a Zoutch! blue button.

Select the "Set up a date?" question. From now on you should see a calendar. Choose the dates you'd like to propose to your contacts.

For each date you can also choose one or several times. Note that you can either select a time from the dropdown list or write anything you like in the time area. For instance: "In the evening" etc.

Once you are done with the date selection click on the "Save" button at the bottom right.

From this step you can either finish up your Zoutch! or add more questions if required.

Let's imagine "Setting up a date" is the only thing you need...

Then click on the "Next" button at the top right of the screen.

Enter details for your Zoutch! Tip: Add a picture, your contacts will love it!

Organize ski holidays with friends
Congrats, your Zoutch! is now almost done.

Ok with the details ? Then just click on the "Finish" button. That's it! You're done !

Zoutch! provided you with 2 links. The first one will allow you to administrate your Zoutch! The second one is important since it is the one you want to share with your contacts. To share this link, simply copy paste it and send it by email to your contacts.

Your contacts will then answer your Zoutch! by selecting appropriate date/time. You will then figure pretty quickly which date is most suitable for your meeting.

Enjoy !

Learn more with this Youtube video:

Monday 1 July 2013

Main features

Zoutch! is about sharing questions with your contacts.
Those questions are really important since they will for sure determine the success of the event you are organizing.
With Zoutch share questions such as "Who do what ?"
Who will take care of the "Bike-Parking / Classic Cars" signalling ?

So, what questions can you ask with Zoutch ? 

It is difficult to provide an exhaustive list of questions you can share with Zoutch! However here are a few examples.

Date poll:
  • Could you please indicate your availability for the next meeting ?
  • Let's set up a date for our party ?
  • Let's schedule a date ?

Other polls:
  • Regarding the restaurant menu, what do you prefer ?
  • How old are you ?
  • Where do you come from ?
  • How did you hear about the festival ?
  • etc.

  • Who could bring the video projector ?
  • Anyone could call M.Smith to invite him to the meeting ?
  • Could someone buy some refreshments ?
  • Anyone could get the key and open the meeting room ?
  • etc.

  • I'm going to New York on tuesday. I've got 3 available seats in my car. Anybody interested ?
  • Could you please register if you'd like to follow our painting workshop ? (capacity 5 pers.)
  • etc.
  • We need to raise $1000  to developp the project. Can you help ?
  • I'm looking for 20 "fun" hats for the show. Do you have any I could borrow ?
  • etc.

There are so many questions you can ask with Zoutch! Just let your imagination help you !

Friday 17 May 2013

Other features

Here are few Zoutch ! features:

Checklist look and feel:
When a question is  "complete", a green tick will appear at the left end of the question.

Admin or user can add comments to a question at any time even when the question is complete.
With Zoutch! Organize just any kind of event !
With Zoutch!, organize just any kind of event !

Drag & Drop:
Once created, questions and tabs are draggable and droppable.

Admin can upload a picture and / or provide full description of what the zoutch is about.

You can choose among several questions.The dropdown list "Menu" contains different questions. When choosing one or the other, Zoutch ! will open appropriate question box so that one can easlily design it.

Zoutch ! allows 2 modes: Admin & User mode
The admin mode allows you to create your own zoutchs whereas the user mode is dedicated  to the admin's contacts. As usual, the admin mode provides many rights that the user mode doesn't get by default.

Different notifications can be sent to the admin or to the contacts.

Question settings:
Zoutch ! provides different question settings in order to customize the end user interface.

It is possible to create tabs to organize your questions.

User rights:
Admin can grant contacts special user rights.
The more rights contacts have, the more collaborative the zoutch is.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Checklist look and feel

When a question is "closed", a green tick appears at the left end of it.

A question is said to be "closed" depending on values that the administrator specified when creating the question.When a question is "closed" it becomes impossible for contacts to "Zoutch" (1). However, they can still leave comments.

Where exactly can the administrator specify those values ?

It actually depends on the type of question:

Poll question: if your question is a poll (date or else) you can specify a closing date thus question will be marked as "closed" (green tick) when reaching this date.

For all other questions, it depends on the number of zoutchers specified (except for a collection where it is the number of items searched for). For instance, if you specify 4 zoutchers in a question then the question will be marked as "closed" when  4 zoutchers will have zoutched.

Step 1: Specify number of zoutchers ("Models" is now "Menu", screenshot to be uptated soon)
Step 2: zoutchers zoutch one after the other

Step 3: the green tick appears when number of zoutchers specified is reached

(1) - If necessary, the administrator can update the question to bypass this aspect.

Friday 12 April 2013

What is Zoutch ?

An event is looming and it's time for preparations! 

Horror! You can already imagine the impressive list of things to do to ensure that your event is a success. You have thought of contacts that could help you but you dread having to coordinate all of them. 

What if Zoutch could do that for you ? 

Tell Zoutch what you need and Zoutch will assign tasks to whoever want to deal with them. 

Zoutch can also help you to: 

  • create groups of people,
  • collect objects,
  • sound out your contacts (about a date or else…)

Zoutch can also be very useful to create wedding lists, birth lists, etc. List presents you would like and your close relations will tick your Zoutch list !

Learn more about Zoutch !

Thursday 11 April 2013

Getting started

Need some help to get started with zoutch ? 

No worries, please follow the guide !

Here is what happens on your end:
  • First you need to know what you need from your contacts.
  • Once you know what you need from them, create as many questions as required. 
  • Once your questions are created, simply update the header parameters.
  • That's it, your zouch is ready ! It's now time to share with your contacts by sending them a simple link by mail.
Ok, your contacts have now received your email. What's next ?
  • Your contacts will just have to click on the link to access the zoutch you've created.
  • They now can see everything you need reading the zoutch.
  • From now on they can do two things: they can simply leave a comment and/or press the "Ok, zoutch!" button meaning that they agree to get involved in such or such question.
  • According to the values you entered when creating the questions, a green tick may appear on the left. This means that this question is now "closed". When your contacts see this tick, they understand they can move on to another question.